Bula F i j i | Part 2/3

May 23rd, 2016

Continuing the Island life. For those who missed the first days you can catch up here: Bula F i j i | Part 1.

First boat trip was a fact. A 7am departure turned into Fijian time 7.30ish...around 2ft swell was expected so nothing crazy, but loads of fun!

With an all-girls crew from the Sunshine Coast of Australia, the local boys Lesi (who made it to the semi-finals for the Cloudbreak wildcard!), Jimmy and Little John we were up for a full day surfing. A 40min drive to Frigates, a reef passages in the middle of the Pacific.

The next day we chilled out all morning in the hammock, waiting for high tide. Today was gonna be Mariel's surfing day! With Jo as our guide we drove 1hr to Natadola Beach. A perfect flat reef with 1ft waves peeling till your legs start shaking, PA-RA-DISE!

All that to end the day with a sunset boat ride out the front of the Beachouse, with a cold Fiji Bitter ofcourse!



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